General Members News

Current Corona medical crisis

Dear Members and Friends,

Because of the current Corona medical crisis, and to comply with social distancing rules, AMCHAM has cancelled all face-to-face events  for the foreseeable future.

But we are not on vacation! Our staff are working remotely gathering information to share with you and lobbying with the government to ensure your interests are considered as part of the public decision process. To keep you informed in the current fast paced environment, we have replaced our quarterly magazine with a weekly newsletter. You can find the most current AMCHAM Newsletter issue here and other earlier magazine issues. Please feel free to re-transmit any and all of our Newsletters to as many of your friends and work colleagues as you wish! Please also feel free to submit articles of interest which we will consider to publish as appropriate and within our space availability.

We are also actively engaging with our fellow AMCHAMs in Europe to commonly engage with and  lobby EU officials to ensure the protection of our member companies and their employees. Likewise, we are working hard with our committees to develop virtual events on a variety of topics and will begin to launch them soon.

Be assured we are here for you if you need us so feel free to contact us with comments, recommendations and questions at:


With respect and very best regards,

Paul Schonenberg and the AMCHAM Team