Course Highlights
In today’s business environment, all managers require a practical working knowledge of financial management to make informed business decisions.
This 2-day course is designed to provide non-financial managers with a solid financial framework on where to develop from. Effective management depends on solid financial decisions and as a manager, or any other individual with budget responsibility, you have to be able to:
- Interpret financial data, the income and cash flow statements and the balance sheet.
- Understand the budgeting framework, the type of budgets and the uses of budgeting.
- Develop the skills to analyse and develop capital expenditure projects
- Interpret key performance indicators and evaluate your contribution to your organisation.
This comprehensive, hands-on programme gives non-financial managers the skills and confidence they need to analyse and interpret financial information, through key theory and practical exercises enabling to make decisions that deliver shareholder value in your organisation.
Recommended background
This programme is designed for manager from non-financial backgrounds who increasingly need to use financial information to appraise performance and make decisions. The programme is suitable if you have little or no prior financial knowledge, as well as those looking for a refresher. Participants come from a diverse range of backgrounds, including technical, operations, marketing and general management.
What you will learn
You will have the skills to interpret you own organisations financial statements and interpret its performance. Feel comfortable in designing and evaluating budgets or capital expenditure projects in the light of your own organisations performance and argue the case for approval and acceptance. You will be able to prove shareholder value based on your managerial decisions showing the effects on the balance sheet, income and cash flow statement.
Course format
This course will be taught using a combination of formal instructions, combined with practical and interactive exercises and case studies used to reinforce the concepts taught in each section of the course.
Practice-based learning and critical engagement is a key theme through all our courses allowing delegates to acquire the needed skills and techniques to be applied as soon as they are learned and developed.
Purchase tickets
If a member invites and hosts non-members, the member has the option to purchase all of the tickets at the member fee price.
Finance for Non-Financial Managers
November 16, 2020 - November 17, 2020
8:00 am - 4:00 pm