Course highlights
Cash has always been the lifeblood of organisations and therefore it is critical for the finance team to understand the world of treasury management.
During this one-day course, participants will discover the vastness of treasury management and will learn about its core components as well as recent trends.Treasury management is a vast area within finance and is becoming a top priority for most senior finance leaders. As a consequence, the treasurer is getting more exposure and the finance team as a whole is more and more involved in treasury related activities.
The main topics
- Basic financial reports
- Cash management roles
- Cash budgeting and forecasting
- Treasury transactions
- Treasury systems
- Introduction to financial risk management
- Working capital management
- Recent trends in treasury management
What you will learn
In this course you will learn about the role of treasury in today’s corporate organisation. We will cover the importance of cash flow statements, cash budgeting and forecasting and we will also introduce you to treasury systems and key treasury transactions. One of the expectations of treasurers is to be much more involved in (financial) risk management assessments and to provide risk mitigation. In the course we will give you a framework and insights that will help you in taking up this role in a confident way. We will also cover the (main) levers in working capital management and provide you with some recent trends in treasury management.
Recommended background
Some experience in treasury is nice-to-have but certainly not required.
Course format
This course will be taught using a combination of formal instructions, combined with practical and interactive exercises and case studies used to reinforce the concepts taught in each section of the course. Practice-based learning and critical engagement is a key theme through all our courses allowing delegates to acquire the needed skills and techniques to be applied as soon as they are learned and developed.
Purchase tickets
If a member invites and hosts non-members, the member has the option to purchase all of the tickets at the member fee price.
Treasury Cash Management
November 27, 2020
8:00 am - 4:00 pm