In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, the Directorate General of the Middle Classes has implemented a new certified emergency allowance (2021) for self- employed workers .
The aid takes the form of a single lump sum capital grant , the amount of which varies (3,000 , 3,500 and 4,000 euros) depending on the income bracket in which the person is located.
It is intended exclusively for people:
- who have the status of self-employed mainly ; and
- who are affiliated as such to social security .
Persons concerned
By self-employed , we mean any person who, primarily :
- either exercises for its own account :
- a professional activity which falls within the scope of the chamber of trades or the chamber of commerce; or
- a professional activity which is mainly intellectual and non-commercial in nature;
- either :
- holds more than 25% of the shares in a general partnership, a limited partnership or a limited liability company having as its object an activity referred to above; and
- holds a business permit issued in accordance with the relevant law ;
- either is:
- director, general partner or agent delegated to the day-to-day management of a public limited company, a partnership limited by shares or a cooperative company whose object is an activity referred to above; and
- holder of the business permit issued in accordance with the relevant law .
Aid can only be granted if the 4 conditions set out below are met :
- the self-employed worker was affiliated to the Joint Social Security Center as such on December 31, 2020 ;
- he has the necessary authorizations and approvals for the activity he carries out as a self-employed worker;
- the professional income of the self-employed person which served as the basis for calculating social contributions for the year 2020 increased, where applicable, by pensions paid by a pension insurance body:
- must be greater than or equal to one third of the social minimum wage; and
- must not exceed the amount of 2.5 times the minimum social wage (i.e. between 8,567 and 64,259.70 euros for the 2020 financial year);
- the self-employed person is experiencing temporary financial difficulties that have a direct causal link with the COVID-19 pandemic .
Practical arrangements
The self-employed person , or his agent (eg a fiduciary), submits the request via an online assistant available through their professional area of . Direct link here