Mayor Lydie Polfer
Ville de Luxembourg
42 Place Guillaume II
L-2090 Luxembourg
Luxembourg, 08th September 2021
Dear Mrs. Polfer,
I am writing to compliment and thank you for your initiative to protect the residents and visitors to Luxembourg by hiring and deploying civilian security teams at the Gare and city center areas. I have lived and worked in Luxembourg for 30 years now and, as an American from New York City, I have always appreciated the feeling of being safe in and around Luxembourg regardless of the location or time of day.
I do admit that this feeling of being safe on the streets in Luxembourg has diminished in recent years, and hence was pleased to see your proactive initiative by the hiring of these private security personnel. I compliment you for your leadership and for your insistence to stay this course.
Having seen the recent complaints against you these last several weeks and having this fresh on my mind, I found myself late yesterday afternoon walking past the Gare after parking my car on the way to have a Hamburger with a business colleague at 5 Guys. As I came to three of your security personnel, I spontaneously decided to speak to them. They were big and muscular guys with very short hair and a very military look who appeared just slightly taken aback when I walked up to speak to them…
I told them in my less than perfect French that I just wanted to thank them for their service to protect me and others like me, that I appreciated what they are doing, that they had my respect, and that I was grateful, more relaxed, and felt safer because of their presence. All three smiled, said that they very much appreciated my compliment and very kind words, and assured me that is why they were there and that was what they were trying to do. I was happy with this exchange and believe they were happy too.
When I passed by again a few hours later after my dinner meeting, they all three smiled again and wished me a nice evening and I said the same, with a smile, in return.
I have decided that from now on when I see one of these private security persons, I will always be friendly and proactively express my appreciation and thanks to them.
I close by thanking you for the strength of your leadership and your insistence to do the right thing to keep us all safe. You have my fullest respect and appreciation.
With very kind regards,
Paul Michael Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO