General Members News

Self-consumption of photovoltaic electricity in companies: launch of a second call for projects to benefit from investment aid


Building on the success of the first call for projects launched in November 2022, the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning have decided to launch a second call for projects to encourage companies to set up and operate photovoltaic solar power plants in Luxembourg, with the aim of enabling them to use the electricity produced themselves.

In order to explain to businesses all the details and practicalities of these calls for projects, two information webinars will be organised with the support of the national innovation agency, Luxinnovation, on 14 September (in French) and 21 September (in English). These webinars are free but registration is compulsory.

For the full Press release by the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, we refer you to the website.