General Members News

Luxembourg-Recent Legal Developments in Real Estate

The recent months have brought a variety of legislative changes impacting the real estate industry in Luxembourg, and further legal initiatives have been announced in draft bills. Furthermore, Luxembourg courts have issued several important decisions related to real estate matters. Below is an overview of the most relevant topics.

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General Members News

BIL launches its new range of banking offers for individual and business clients

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE PRESSEMITTEILUNG PRESS RELEASE Luxembourg, 5th January 2022   BIL launches its new range of banking offers for individual and business clients   Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) is adapting to changing consumer trends with the launch of its new range of daily banking packages. Streamlined and with more services, these packages are available

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General Members News

BSP announces the promotion of four new partners

BSP is pleased to announce the promotion of four new partners, effective 1st January 2022. The partnership now consists of 16 partners, 9 women and 7 men. Gaëlle Felly: She regularly advises a wide range of banking, private equity and corporate clients from a direct and indirect tax perspective. Over the last 15 years she

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General Members News

PM-International donates more than 1.5 million Euros for children

  Schengen/Friedrichsdorf, December 16th, 2021 PM-International AG donates 1.51 million Euros to the relief, development, and advocacy organization World Vision. The company has been supporting children around the globe for almost 20 years and is the largest corporate sponsor of World Vision. The donation will benefit the company’s 4,000 sponsored children around the world in

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss Prussen_NEWSFLASH_Regulatory update: CSSF guidance on virtual asset

Regulatory update: CSSF guidance on virtual assets On 29 November 2021, the CSSF provided guidance to the industry with respect to virtual assets, by publishing a Communiqué (the “Statement”) and frequently asked questions for undertakings for collective investments (FAQ – Virtual assets (UCIs) (the “FAQ”).[1] Key takeaway points of the Statement The CSSF identifies three

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss Prussen_NEWSFLASH_Sustainable Finance update (asset management): CSSF announces fast track procedure for Taxonomy Regulation compliance by 1 January 2022

  Sustainable Finance update (asset management): CSSF announces fast track procedure for Taxonomy Regulation compliance by 1 January 2022 The CSSF announced in its communication (available here) published on 2 December 2021 that it has put in place a fast track procedure to facilitate compliance with the taxonomy-related disclosure requirements of articles 5, 6 and

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