General Members News

BREAKING: SES to acquire Intelsat

Luxembourg and McLean, VA, 30 April 2024 — SES S.A. (“SES”) and Intelsat S.A. (“Intelsat”) announce an agreement for SES to acquire Intelsat through the purchase of 100% of the equity of Intelsat Holdings S.a.r.l. for a cash consideration of $3.1 billion (€2.8 billion) and certain contingent value rights.

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General Members News New app integrates AI & University research

CYSANA (CYberSecurity ANAlytics) is a new AI-based enterprise solution to protect against malware and ransomware announced today by the cybersecurity company Conatix, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT).

CYSANA stops malware and ransomware before they have an impact on business. It does this by integrating the most recent developments in deep learning neural network-based image classification and anti-encryption research.

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