Breaking news

CHARLOTTE, NC — Bank of America Chair and Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan will welcome attendees to the BofA Securities Financial Services Conference on Wednesday, February 21, at 8 a.m. Eastern Time. A live webcast of this event will be accessible through the Bank of America Investor Relations website at A replay will also be available.

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Breaking news

€50,000 donated at BIL’s Associations Day

Press Release Luxembourg, 6 December 2022   €50,000 donated at BIL’s Associations Day   On Monday 5 December, BIL donated €50,000 to ten Luxembourg non-governmental organisations. This donation reflects the bank’s ongoing support for organisations that work tirelessly to improve the living conditions of vulnerable people in Luxembourg. On its first Associations Day, BIL focused

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Breaking news

Expansion and strengthening of support measures for businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Expansion and strengthening of support measures for businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic Communicated 15.02.2021 Given that the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences persist and that the European Commission has broadened and extended the temporary framework for state aid, the Luxembourg government has decided to strengthen its support measures for companies affected by

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Breaking news

SME vouchers: €20 million grant fund to help SMEs maximise their intellectual property assets

As of today, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can apply for financing under a €20 million grant scheme to help EU companies to make better use of intellectual property rights. With the support of the Commission and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund aims to help firms develop their intellectual property (IP)

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Breaking news

A Message from Our Chairman

Dear Colleagues, Dear friends, Yesterday’s mob violence in the Capitol of the United States of America was shockingly unexpected, unforgivable and deeply emotionally traumatic. My colleagues and I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. We insist that every person who participated in illegal acts must be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed

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Breaking news


Over the past year the AMCHAM tax committee has been deeply involved in the drafting of FAQs related to issues raised in the context of the rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the internal market and, more in particular, the treatment of hybrid mismatches as laid down by Council Directive (EU)

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Breaking news

Current Corona medical crisis

Dear Members and Friends, Because of the current Corona medical crisis, and to comply with social distancing rules, AMCHAM has cancelled all face-to-face events  for the foreseeable future. But we are not on vacation! Our staff are working remotely gathering information to share with you and lobbying with the government to ensure your interests are considered

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Breaking news

Covid 19- A message from the Luxembourg Government

In the context of the latest government measures aimed at combatting the spread of the corona virus, the Grand Ducal Police have begun carrying out inspections to ensure the following measures are being respected in Luxembourg: The police have recalled that traffic on public roads is currently limited to the following activities: the purchase of

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