General Members News

AmCham L&D meetup

If you are a L&D professional located in Lux, please join us for an informal meet-up this week in the Grund! The AmCham L&D Department would love to meet you and share experiences.

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General Members News

AmCham Luxembourg Real Estate Committee Explores “Luxembourg in Transition” Exhibition at LUCA

Last Friday evening the Amcham Real Estate committee went to Clausen to LUCA (Luxembourg Center for Architecture) for an excellent presentation on the history of urban development in Luxembourg and the future plans which are intended to enhance the quality of life of people while also promoting a green agenda that reduces the urban footprint caused by human activities.

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General Members News

Franz Fayot visits Ukraine

On 8 September 2023, Franz Fayot, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, visited Ukraine. The purpose of the visit was to identify ways of strengthening and tailoring Luxembourg’s support to Ukraine’s reconstruction and humanitarian needs.

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