General Members News

AmCham EU: 20 years of EU mergers

For the past two decades, the EU Merger Regulation (EUMR) has promoted effective transaction screening and made a substantial contribution to increasing deal certainty. Read more on how EU mergers have evolved since the introduction of the EUMR and how the framework can be improved further. 

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General Members News

DLA Piper relocates to iconic Nova Building at the heart of Luxembourg City

Global law firm DLA Piper will move into its new Luxembourg home, the iconic Nova Building in the centre of Luxembourg City, on 2 April 2024. Located on the Place de l’Etoile, the newly rebuilt 4,000 m.sq. office marks a larger local footprint for the firm. This significant investment reflects the continued growth and success of the firm’s Luxembourg office, and reaffirms its commitment to strengthening its position in the country. The office relocates from its former home in the Kirchberg district.

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General Members News

Luxembourg retains third position among EU financial centres

The Grand Duchy’s financial centre scored particularly well within 3 Areas of Competitiveness in the index, namely Human Capital, sitting at number 3 globally just behind New York and London, further emphasising the depth of expertise in Luxembourg’s financial sector. The country also scored well in Infrastructure where it placed 5th, and Business Environment where it is positioned 8th.

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General Members News

Launch of the second joint R&D call in the defence sector

On 18 March 2024, Yuriko Backes (Minister of Defence), Lex Delles (Minister of the Economy, Small Businesses, Energy, and Tourism), and Stéphanie Obertin (Minister of Research and Higher Education) jointly launched a research and development (R&D) call in the defence sector, in collaboration with the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and Luxinnovation.

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