Dear members and friends,
Amcham together with Deloitte have the immense pleasure to invite you all to join us for this great event gathering top speakers to talk about the importance of free and fair trade for Luxembourg but also to present the 2025 Annual Transatlantic Trade analysis data papers.
In truth, the strongest economy on the planet at this time is the economy of the United States. Likewise, the strongest ally contributing to the prosperity of Luxembourg is the United States. And the biggest and most successful global trading partnership the world has ever seen is the transatlantic partnership between the US and Europe.
Come and hear that story and consider if you and your company want to get involved.
Our speakers and guests of honor will be;
- CEO Deloitte Luxembourg, Mr. John Psaila, welcoming notes
- Chairman and CEO AmCham Luxembourg, Mr. Paul Schonenberg, introducing the partnership between US & Luxembourg
- US Ambassador to Luxembourg, to be confirmed
- Consul General & Executive Director LTIO New York, Mr. Luc Decker (live video)
- AmCham EU in Brussels Director of Public Affairs, Mr. Thibaut l’Ortye
Thibaut will introduce the AmCham Europe family of national AmChams and AmCham EU and talk about partners promoting economic prosperity and shared EU/US values.
He will also present the 2024 Annual Transatlantic Trade analysis data EU/US and summary of Micro data: Luxembourg/US from the report which Mr. Dan Hamilton, Director of the Global Europe Program at the Wilson Center – The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland has put together.
(please sign-up on time! only 190 seats available)
17:30 pm: Registrations start and welcome
18:30 pm: Conference starts
19:45 to 21:00 networking & cocktail
Please be aware pictures will be taken throughout the event. By attending this event, you understand and agree that these images will be reproduced for Amcham and website and social media purposes. You can withdraw the consent you have given at any time. However, you understand that the Amcham may have limits into what is shared and reproduced such as that the Amcham cannot undo what is already done.
Purchase tickets
If a member invites and hosts non-members, the member has the option to purchase all of the tickets at the member fee price.
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Venue: Deloitte Luxembourg