General Members News

Minister Lex Delles and Hereditary Grand Duke visit Goodyear

On Monday morning, H.R.H. the Hereditary Grand Duke and Lex Delles, Minister of the Economy, visited the Research & Development and Sim Center of Colmar-Berg-based tire manufacturer Goodyear.

Chris Delaney, EMEA President at The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company stated

“We were honored to host HRH the Hereditary Grand Duke and the Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism Lex Delles at the Goodyear Innovation Center in Luxembourg this week. The team did a fantastic job showcasing our activities in the facility and the research and development that goes into designing and manufacturing premium quality tires. Luxembourg is a crucial part of Goodyear’s global innovation footprint, and it was my pleasure to welcome these esteemed visitors. Thanks to everyone involved in making the visit a success.”

Said Lex Delles,

“Goodyear belongs to the industrial history of Luxembourg. It was the first large American company to settle in the Grand Duchy in the 1950s, and is today one of our most active companies in research and development in Luxembourg. In addition, Goodyear is one of the largest employers in the country. I am happy to have visited, with the Hereditary Grand Duke, their laboratory where the rubber compounds are developed and also the new driving simulator”.