Daniela Clara Moraru – Entrepreneur. Educator. Influencer, CSV Candidate.
“Work hard and party hard…
Dancing and having fun is for me a great way to #recharge my batteries, which is essential, given the amount of things I aim to achieve in my entrepreneurial and political career.I was happy to spend a very nice evening with long term friends and colleagues from AMCHAM Luxembourg / Paul Schonenberg, Romania Luxemburg Business Forum (ROMLUX) asbl / Razvan-Petru Radu, Florin Secara, Silvia Radu (Maxim), Crina Buicu, David Bubani, Alina Brad, The Network / Mariana Florea CPC, DTM, and from CSV FRAKTIOUN / Laurent Mosar, Maurice Bauer, Giovanni Patri.
Thanks and congratulations to the Amcham team for the organization of their 1st masked ball, it was a great success, well done!”
Bárbara Daroca – Head of Corporate Services, ING
“#Networking is about connecting people.
And AMCHAM Luxembourg just came up with a new idea to connect people from different chambers of commerce and associations with businesses and professionals in a fun way to overcome the winter blues!
I spent a lovely evening meeting people from all over the world, some new to #Luxembourg, some who have been here for as long as I have.
Paul kept his promise ☺️ – his speech was short, underlining the importance of participating in the upcoming municipal elections in the presence of Laurent Mosar and Maurice Bauer. AMCHAM will host a series of conferences during which you can find out more about the different parties and their programs. The first one will be at ING Luxembourg so stay tuned!”
Giovanni Patri – President of Amcham’s Entrepreneur Committee, CSV Candidate
“On Friday March 3, 2023, American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (AMCHAM) did organise such a great party, Maskball, kindly sponsored by LetterOne, music by Marco Boesen.
I hope to see you at the next event of AmCham, in the meanwhile here some pictures I made with @Paul Schonenberg (with and without masks), with Sonja Holper , with Joëlle Choucroun and with Irina Shukel from LetterOne .”
Sabina Mammadova – Media Sales Executive

“Thank you AMCHAM Luxembourg for organizing such a great event and thank you LetterOne for your kind sponsorship.”
Ramin Forghani – Entrepreneur; Doctoral Researcher at Institute of Political Science, University of Luxembourg
“… yet another amazing event and evening”.