Dear AMCHAM members and friends,
Welcome to the 8th April 2021 edition of your AMCHAM Newsletter!
We are pleased this week to offer you our interview with Luc Frieden, speaking in his capacity as the Chairman of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. Based on his broad experience as the Luxembourg Minister of Finance, as the Chairman of BIL and as a Lawyer/ Partner with Elvinger and Hoss, he is exceptionally able to understand the complex interactions which collectively have come together to make Luxembourg such a global economic success story. On this basis, his analysis of our current situation and his forward looking recommendations are a must read and pay attention to roadmap identifying both where we are and how to get where we want to go. Thank you Chairman Frieden for so generously sharing your wisdom and advise to our members and our reader quests.
With homeworking still so widely practiced, we thank our good friends at Allen & Overy for arranging an excellent lunchtime webinar about the current rules and legal requirements applicable to home working. It is important to business and employees to get this right, both to be legally compliant and to be best adapted into the opportunity of the system. Please register and learn the facts!
With air traffic also coming back to life, we are pleased to present a webinar event with Cargolux and our partners LACC in New York, registration is open for this event on our newsletter.
And, we have a great (and very comforting ) hot chicken soup recipe. Considering how cold it is outside as I write this on Tuesday afternoon, just looking at this recipe has made me hungry!
We are pleased to report we continue to make progress on our Member Benefits Club project to support the retailers, help employers reward their employees and allow employees to get more benefits from their salaries We continue to get new retail companies joining us as partners and will make our first order of member cards at the end of this week. Please help us to spread the word. All companies in Luxembourg and the Greater Region are welcome to partner with us… and all employees of AMCHAM affiliated companies are eligible to have MBC cards! Help us to help each other!
If you are new to us, please have a look at our membership section and consider to join our family… we are sure you will be glad you did and we will be very happy to give you warm welcome and support!
As every week, we thank you for letting us be part of your professional and private lives, we wish you and your families health, happiness and success and we join with you to keep Luxembourg strong and successful!
With respect and our very best regards,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO, AMCHAM Luxembourg