Dear AMCHAM members, Partners and friends,
Welcome to the 2 June edition of your AMCHAM Newsletter!
With everyone excited to be returning to physical events, we are doing our part with great enthusiasm as well!
For our lead article this week, we feature two ladies who have banded together and launched their own design startup. This is a great story: two ladies passionate about decorating meet one another, decide they have asymmetric skill sets and are therefore stronger together than working separately. They take a deep breath and jump in launching a design studio. They find the water cold and the current strong… but they persevere and survive… each month getting a little stronger as they constantly learn and grow… without giving up! I think you will like these ladies and their story. Enjoy it … and, if your need good professional decorating services, give them a try!
On Tuesday of next week, 7 June, we are delighted to welcome Gilles Feith, the CEO of Luxair for a Circle Munster lunch presentation on the post covid recovery plans for Lux air. Our national airline has not had an easy time during this Covid period, and the crisis in Ukraine causing substantially increased petrol prices is not helping either. Come join us to hear how Luxair has been weathering these challenges and their exciting new plans for the future! Luxembourg needs a strong national airline to be a successful business and living location. Come and see how they plan to deliver on that promise. As always, we offer, great food in a wonderful environment with terrific networking! Please register to attend here
In these challenging times, our security and happiness depend on a strong and successful economy. One of the most reliable partners helping Europe and Luxembourg to be safe and economically successful over many years has been the United States. First during the post WW2 relaunch of manufacturing, then as partners developing the Luxembourg cross border fund industry, then with the development of the telecommunication, digital commerce and data centers and finally as partners helping Luxembourg become bigger in Space than on the ground, the USA has always been there with and for Luxembourg. Join us on the evening of 21 June 18:30 in the conference center of Deloitte in Cloche D’Or for a celebration of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership between Europe and the United states, with special focus on the benefits for Luxembourg… past present and future. Key note address by Luc Frieden, Presentations by Susan Danger, President of AMCHAM Eu, Dan Hamilton, Professor at John Hopkins University (and author of the annual TransAtlantic trade and investment study), the DCMs from Luxembourg embassy in the USA and the American Embassy in Luxembourg… and closing remarks from LACCNYC. This event is free as a public service. Please register to attend here
On 27 June at 12:00 we will again host an ABAL lunch at Cercle Munster to have an update from Casey Mace , the US Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission on the agenda for the annual NATO conference, the war in Ukraine and other topics of interest. Those who have had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Mace, know that he is an intellectually strong and very skilled public speaker… with a great sense of humor. Join us for this great networking lunch by signing up here.
On Saturday, 2 July, we are very pleased to be hosting a Country Western BBQ at Mamer Plage, starting at 11:00 and lasting into the evening. We will have great food, drinks, wine tasting, Italian ice cream, bouncy castle and children games…. a great country western DJ and wonderful Networking. Price of admission is 35 Euro for both couples and individuals (with no charge for accompanied children). Included with each admission will be 25 euro worth of food and drink vouchers. Join us for a last big event get together before the Summer holiday break! Sign up here.
In addition to our member focused AMCHAM events we are continuing our Newcomer orientation courses for Displaced Ukrainian business people newly arrived in Luxembourg. These 6 hour Saturday courses have been very well received by the attendees who say we are giving them information that no one else is providing. Our next coming orientation courses will be on 4 and 18 June. Please pass along to any eligible Ukrainian attendees the details on this program and tell them to call Claus at phone number 431756 or sign up directly on the www.amcham.lu website.
Thanks for allowing us the pleasure of serving you! We are an Internationally focused, English speaking networking/information providing/problem solving/ advocacy organization for all nationalities of business people. Good Companies and People with all passports of origin are most welcome! For information about joining our family, click here .
With respect and very best wishes,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO