We wish to inform you that the European Commission has published the offers of market access under the EU-China Investment agreement.
On 30 December 2020, EU and China concluded in principle a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. Under the agreement, the partners take commitments in terms of market access for the other Party’s economic operators. China takes substantial, new commitments in manufacturing, and improved commitments in financial services, telecommunications, private healthcare, environmental services, R&D, and services related to air transport. China also commits to lifting some of the current restrictions, such as joint venture requirements, or foreign investment bans. The market-access openings offered by China are listed here, the European Commission details its market-access commitments here. Annexes I and II in the link list sectors that are subject to market-access commitments, and the applicable exclusions and existing or future reservations. Annex III lists sectors where the Parties commit not to imposing quantitative restrictions, and the applicable limitations. Annex IV describes which additional reservations and restrictions apply to the entry and temporary stay of intra-corporate transferees and business visitors.
The text of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, a summary of its contents, the Annexes, the accompanying press release, and further details about the agreement and the upcoming legislative process can be accessed via this link.