AMCHAM: Please introduce yourself to our readers
Marc Lies: My name is Marc Lies, 54 years old and living in Itzig.
Please introduce yourself to our members
I was working about 22 years at BCEE as a trader in the trading room. I started my political career in the year 2000 as member of the local council in my home municipality Hesperange.
I advanced as an alderman in the end of 2005, and became Mayor in the beginning of 2009. In the same year I became as well a member of the Luxembourgish Parliament.
Why did you become a politician?
I had been active in my whole life in local associations (Youth club, football club..) I was working in the beginning of my career at the Spuerkeess branch in Hesperange. Close to my 30th birthday I was asked by local politicians if I would be interested in taking part of the elections of 1999. I had that time nothing to lose so I introduced my candidature.
What are the political values which guide your decision-making processes and how have they changed over the years?
My principal values were always the common respect, loyalty, team spirit, unifying our community, prosperity, working for a better future.
Why did you run to become the mayor of Hesperange?
I had the chance that I could take over from our former Mayor Mrs. Gantenbein in the end of 2008. It is now the third time (2011, 2017 and 2023) that I have run as a leader from my party CSV for the local elections. My focus is on always being better.
What are the accomplishments you are most proud of as Hesperange Mayor?
We created many infrastructures in the past years. The new firefighting building, new schools and day care, cultural center, sport center, affordable housing, medical center, many social and leisure activities…..
What have been your greatest disappointments?
The greatest disappointment had been the financial affair in our administration. Becoming Mayor in 2009 I made a completely restructuring of the main departments and creating a new financial department for a better survey of the investments and treasury. Unfortunately, it took several years to detect the criminal behavior of two communal employees. Luckily our financial situation is very stable with nearly no more debt.
How has Luxembourg changed during your political career and how have you changed your vision, goals and strategy as a result?
In the past years all kind of processes became very complex and the way to go for achieving new projects is getting more and more difficult.
To what degree and in what ways are the desires of the Luxembourg passport inhabitants of Hesperange aligned with those of the foreign residents and how are they different?
As a Commune with 54% of foreign people we have to take care to find the best way integrating all different inhabitants in our community. Luxembourg is a melting pot of people coming from different countries and cultures. It is a challenge.
What are your objectives to accomplish for Hesperange in the future?
We have a huge problem with our mobility, traffic jams in the morning and in the afternoon. That’s not really fun for the inhabitants, nor is it for the drivers. The new Hesperange bypass has absolutely to be constructed in the coming years. We have been planning since several years not only new secured bike paths but also a better public transport offer.
Why should voters reelect you?
I am too modest answering on that question. I think that we did a good job as a team during the past years.
Single high quality young graduates are the lifeblood of international companies and important to our future success as a country. The only affordable housing possibility for many of them is group housing because their preferred solution of single occupancy micro housing options is simply not available. Is Hesperange willing to support changing zoning changes to help this valuable constituency?
That is a real challenge. We changed our masterplan in the year 2020 in that way that we are allowing new housing forms (such as co-living) can mainly be achieved in the new urban city of Howald-Gare. But we have to go further in near future.
What is your vision for the growth and development of Hesperange and how do you see the circumstances of the city in five years-time?
As I said before our main development will take place in the new urban city of Howald-Gare. We are going to see a completely restructuring in that area. None of the other localities will change their urban appearance, apart the central area of the locality of Hesperange (Place Jomé).
If you have any other questions you would like to answer or comments to make, we welcome your additional feedback…
During years we trying to improve our climate balance and working on sustainable projects like the new school in Howald Couvent or other projects with a high degree on environmental protection.
The English-speaking constituency we represent greatly appreciates the VDL for publishing a Newsletter which has a substantial amount of English language content. We compliment you for your leadership making our linguistic constituency feel included and appreciated. Thank you for your leadership and service!
One of my main goals in the coming years will be to communicate on a larger perspective in three different languages. Luxembourgish, French an English. English is becoming more and more the common language of the local population and the population coming from abroad.