Hofstede Insights
We are a cultural analytics and strategy advisory with a global reach, comprising over 150 data technicians, communication and research professionals, and facilitators across more than 60 countries. With our headquarters in Helsinki, Finland, and core teams located in 12 countries, we are a diverse and minority-run organisation with over 35 years of experience in helping businesses transform their cultural challenges into success stories.
Our local team consists of people with complementary backgrounds in executive management in a range of sectors such as manufacturing, banking, software, medical devices, government, the social sector and the start-up world. Each of us has worked and lived in multiple countries and speaks several languages. This enables us to serve our customers in the language they are most comfortable in. Furthermore, we can draw on our colleagues from our global network if specialized expertise is required.
Contact information
Email : lb@hofstede-insights.com
Phone : +352 621 132 154
Website: https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-office/luxbe
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