Available discount: 10%
https://www.adnovo.lu/- Online pet food orders and deliver
- Password for amCham Members : AMCHAM10
- Adnovo s.àr.l. was established in June 1999. Our motto is “quality, not quantity” and Adnovo is committed to offering quality goods and services. Our offers are based on adapted and high quality nutrition, food selected for its taste, with a mix of fresh and dehydrated meats, avoiding ingredients that could cause a risk of toxicity for our pets’ organism.
- Our companions are by nature carnivores, whose bodies are not adapted to a diet low in animal proteins. We refuse to enter into the profit logic induced by the choice of low quality and cheap raw materials to increase profits.
- No! Our main ingredient is and will always be meat of European origin and we will not depart from this principle, we remain faithful to our objective of serving the health of our pets.