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Schroeder & Associés launches a new integrated service offering for a sustainable strategy


Schroeder & Associés enters Technical Engineering


Schroeder & Associés launches a new integrated service offering for a sustainable strategy

The Schroeder 2030 strategy is clearly oriented towards sustainable development and transition projects.

As part of this strategy, Schroeder & Associés aspires to support all stakeholders engaged in the energy transition. As the quest for innovation of our consulting engineering office is permanent, as satisfying the requirements and needs of project owners is a leitmotif, Schroeder & Associés has decided to create a unit specializing in technical engineering and integrate this new offering into its range of services and advice.

With skills covering in particular renewable energies (solar, geothermal, wind, etc.) and air comfort (ventilation, conditioning, treatment and air quality, etc.), Schroeder & Associés intends to be even more attentive to the sustainable needs of actors-builders of the territory, and strengthens its range of advice and support potential, among other things through the status of accredited consultants of the Fit4Sustainability program.

For the office’s associate engineers, this new offering of technical engineering services is strategic in more than one way;

  • because it contributes to the implementation of our 2030 strategy focused on sustainability, in particular by improving the energy efficiency of structures and infrastructure;
  • because it is part of the logic of diversified activities and integrated services for the benefit of project owners, developers and planners involved in sustainable regional development.

When the technical approach meets the sustainability strategy

Technical engineering is a generic term in the field of engineering that deals with the technical concepts, infrastructure, installation and equipment of public or private construction projects and the built environment.

According to the OAI definition, the technical engineering engineer designs, plans and coordinates all technical and energy equipment. It ensures the technical functionality of the living environment in all these areas. The new challenges of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions give it a key position in the design and conception of a project from the first sketches. He thus becomes the preferred contact for designers.

Technical engineering is distinguished according to its specialties, particularly in the fields of energy (energy concepts, thermodynamic simulations, building physics, rational use of energy, C02 footprint, renewable energies), so-called HVAC and sanitary equipment (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling, sanitary equipment, fire protection), electrical equipment, communication and security systems, regulation of technical installations, industrial processes and electromechanical equipment (e.g. water treatment)…

This technical approach is in line with the sustainability strategy and its various axes, notably adaptation to climate change, preservation of resources and decarbonization. Technical engineering makes it possible, for example, to act effectively on the various levers of decarbonization, such as the carbon intensity of energy (increase efforts in the field of renewable sources), energy efficiency (notably the energy performance of new buildings) or sobriety (reduction in energy demand). These specializations also have to be used in crucial sectors for sustainable territorial development and the well-being of users, such as the energy transition of transport or the sustainable improvement of living spaces (after mobility, housing is the 2nd largest source of CO2 emissions in Luxembourg, notably through the production of heat in buildings).

An experienced team

The team formed for integrated technical engineering consulting missions is attached to the Services department of Schroeder’s office but can, by nature, collaborate with all the departments (Structure, Infrastructure, Services) and skills units of the company, in a transversal approach for the overall vision of the projects.

Indeed, the members of the team have complementary skills which make it possible to cover all areas of technical engineering as well as all project phases, from design to facility management, thus integrating the complete life cycle of the buildings, things or products. With this in mind, the entire team works following the BIM (Building Information Modeling) process.

Marco Da Chao, associate engineer, head of department: “We have a new team, but it is experienced. Most of its members have proven themselves in the field for years and have already worked together. The integration of these additional and complementary skills into our office is also based on our common values, linked to sustainable development. We thus highlight the ‘advice’ part of the consulting engineer, with the particular focus on building better while consuming less.”

Integrated services for a sustainable strategy are one of the commitments of Schroeder & Associés, now with the addition of technical engineering consulting.