General Members News

New CSSF FAQ on CBDF – Guidance on Marketing Communications

New CSSF FAQ on CBDF – Guidance on Marketing Communications  On 20 September 2022, the CSSF published a new CSSF FAQ on CBDF Marketing Communications (“CSSF FAQ”), the objective of which is to provide additional guidance to Luxembourg investment fund managers (“IFMs”) on certain key aspects of the marketing communication (“MC”) requirements under Article 4

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss Newsflash: Sustainable Finance update (asset management): CSSF communication on SFDR RTS confirmation letter

Sustainable Finance update (asset management): CSSF communication on SFDR RTS confirmation letter Further to our newsflash of 29 July 2022 in connection with the CSSF’s communication of 27 July 2022 in relation to SFDR and the upcoming entry into force of the SFDR RTS on 1 January 2023, the CSSF issued a further communication on

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss: CSSF Circular 22/811 on UCI Administrators

CSSF Circular 22/811 on UCI Administrators   On 16 May 2022, the CSSF issued Circular 22/811 concerning the authorisation and organisation of entities acting as UCI administrators (“Circular”), which rewrites and repeals Chapter D of IML Circular 91/75 setting out the rules concerning the central administration of Luxembourg undertakings for collective investment (“UCIs”). As announced

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss Prussen_NEWSFLASH_Regulatory update: CSSF guidance on virtual asset

Regulatory update: CSSF guidance on virtual assets On 29 November 2021, the CSSF provided guidance to the industry with respect to virtual assets, by publishing a Communiqué (the “Statement”) and frequently asked questions for undertakings for collective investments (FAQ – Virtual assets (UCIs) (the “FAQ”).[1] Key takeaway points of the Statement The CSSF identifies three

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss Prussen_NEWSFLASH_Sustainable Finance update (asset management): CSSF announces fast track procedure for Taxonomy Regulation compliance by 1 January 2022

  Sustainable Finance update (asset management): CSSF announces fast track procedure for Taxonomy Regulation compliance by 1 January 2022 The CSSF announced in its communication (available here) published on 2 December 2021 that it has put in place a fast track procedure to facilitate compliance with the taxonomy-related disclosure requirements of articles 5, 6 and

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General Members News

Elvinger Hoss Prussen_NEWSFLASH_Updated CSSF FAQs

Updated CSSF FAQs on UCI Law and MMF Regulation: Change of regulatory practice concerning the holding of ancillary liquid assets by UCITS   On 3 November 2021, the CSSF has announced in its Press Release 21/26 that it has published updated versions of (i) its FAQs on the Luxembourg law of 17 December 2010 relating

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General Members News

CSSF grants AIFM infrastructure sub-license to IQ-EQ in Luxembourg

IQ-EQ Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A. is pleased to announce that it has been granted the alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) infrastructure sub-license by the Luxembourg regulator, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).  IQ-EQ Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A., which forms part of the leading global investor services group IQ-EQ, was established in 2015 as a

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