General Members News

U.S. Releases the 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report


Date: July 21, 2022
Address: U.S. Embassy Luxembourg
                22, Bd. Emmanuel Servais
                L- 2535 Luxembourg
Public Affairs Office: +352 460124 or - 21


Press Release


U.S. Releases the 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report


On July 19, the Department of State released the 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report, otherwise known as the “TIP Report.”  The TIP Report is the most comprehensive global resource of governmental anti-trafficking efforts and the United States’ principal diplomatic and diagnostic tool to guide international governments on human trafficking.

In this year’s report, Luxembourg remained in the top Tier 1 category as “the government continued to demonstrate serious and sustained efforts during the reporting period, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity.”  As it does every year, the report also makes some recommendations for Luxembourg in 2022, such as sentencing traffickers to significant prison terms and ensuring convicted traffickers actually serve those sentences, among other areas.

The full report is available here: (for Luxemburg, see page 356).



The TIP Report is an annual report issued by the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. This year’s report, the 22nd installment, includes narratives for 188 countries and territories, including the United States.

The TIP Report objectively assesses governments’ efforts – including our own – but it is more than just tier rankings. It is a means to effect positive change and encourage governments to increase and improve their anti-trafficking efforts each year.

The tier rankings included within the 2022 TIP Report highlight the renewed efforts by governments to combat trafficking, including labor trafficking, around the world with several noteworthy upgrades, while calling out concerns and inadequate responses in others – especially where government officials were involved in alleged trafficking crimes.


For more information, please contact the Public Affairs section at the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg at +352 46 01 23 24/21 or at